Friday, July 8, 2011


"And suddenly it was luminously clear to the Savage what he must do; it was as though a shutter had been opened, a curtain drawn back." - p. 210

That's an epiphany if ever I've seen one.

John knew all along, I think, that he hated this soma stuff, and that something had to be done about it. He just didn't feel like being proactive. He didn't feel a personal responsibility for any of them. He had been too busy mooning over Lenina. The realization that Lenina wasn't really his type and the death of his mother--these in rapid succession-- provided the impetus/incentive for him to make his move. That soma-smashing session reminded me first of the Boston Tea Party and then of the scene in Order of the Phoenix in which the prophecies all get smashed. The Boston Tea Party is the better parallel in terms of intent, but the Order of the Phoenix parallel works better for me because I saw that one happen, and it sounds smash-y-er in my mind.


  1. Ahh, Boston Tea Party. Good work with that connection! I totally missed that.

  2. Heeey thanks! I dunno if it is really a connection or not. It just... reminded me. Harold is distressed.
