Friday, July 8, 2011


"There was a moment's silence; then, in a very low voice, 'I love you more than anything in the world,' he said." - p. 192

Only sometimes. Unfortunately for John, this is one of those times. Kind of.

The problem with this scenario is that John and Lenina have very different (and extreme) definitions of the word "love." John believes it's the Romeo and Juliet, I-have-to-kill-myself-immediately-if-my-loved-one-is-dead definition. Lenina thinks it's the wow-that-guy-is-physically-attractive-and-positively-interesting kind. That's... not a very sturdy foundation. Bad things are bound to happen, and as we've seen, they did.

I believe the half of the phone conversation at the end of the chapter was an alert to John that Linda's not doing so well. Soma overdose, probably. Maaaaaybe Lenina will come back after that? Probably not. They're all conditioned to be all right with death. Maybe that would be good for people. Hmph.


  1. Haha, I didn't even have to watch the video and I knew what it was. That might be a bad sign.

  2. Yaaaaaaaaay! Definitely good sign. It just means it's a reeeeal connection!
