Friday, July 8, 2011

"Can we panic nooooow?"

"He lay for a moment, blinking in owlish incomprehension at the light; then suddenly remembered--everything.
"'Oh, my God, my God!' He covered his eyes with his hand." - p. 259



Did he kill Lenina? Bryan, you can't answer because... I already know. What you think. Is a fragment. But still. It would explain his otherwise rather overreaction-y dismay at remembering "everything." Otherwise, "everything" is just... soma. And stuff. There you go. There's a theme: Everything is just soma and stuff. That's what the civilized people think.

I just became surprised and kind of sad about the Lenina business. But I have to go watch Chamber of Secrets some more. Harry doesn't die, and I knooow it because... straightforward is good.


  1. Oh no. I worried this would happen. You're addicted to AP Lit, aren't you?

    APLA (AP Lit Anonymous). Help is out there.

  2. The first step is admitting that one has a problem . . .

    . . .

    . . . which I will never dooooo!

    But I might stop after the summer homework. Maybe. College is probably hard.
