The dog: it's pink because it is BALD! That didn't occur to me until I reread it the next day. I felt oblivious.
Anyway, "Pink Dog" seems to be a social commentary of some sort. Possibly the dogs are representative of prostitutes. Evidence supporting this would be the line inquiring as to the whereabouts of the dog's babies and also the focus on the diseased nature of the dog. It reminded me of "London" in that respect; prostitution was viewed as the greatest problem the city faced.
The poem also seemed to have a somewhat ironic or satirical tone to me. I thought possibly part of the social commentary was intended to point out the superficiality of a society which thinks if one dresses better, he will be better.
Our group also discussed the possibility that the poem took place during Mardi Gras. Evidence to support this includes "Ash Wednesday" and the sambas, which are a type of Brazilian/African dance.

This dog is not the right kind of pink, but there is no denying that it is reallyreallycute.