Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Single malt whiskey

6. Analyze the story's final paragraph in detail. How does it help to elucidate the theme?

The theme I gleaned from this story was that suspicion only breeds more reason for suspicion. When the narrator wakes up in the night, her suspicion of ne'er do wells turns out to be rash and unfounded. In fact, since she lives above a mine, it could be argued that waking up and causing a ruckus actually causes more danger for her.

Similarly, each time the dream sequence characters took action to prevent vandalism or other breaches of security, the attempts to invade their property grew more severe. The final paragraph illustrates the severe injury or possibly death--it's sort of ambiguous--of the story's stock adorable little kid. If the family had shown a little more compassion for the intruders, the tragedy could have been avoided.

The family was really sheltered, too, I think. The mom means well--she wants to help the people, but she doesn't know how. Also, she wants to shield her son from even the worry that his cat might be impaled upon their newly purchased spiraling stabby fence adornment of doom. This could be a call to the audience to just really think through actions before they are taken.


  1. I think I'm missing the tangential connection between your blog and this clip.....stabbing?

  2. Single malt whiskey! The horses drink only single malt whiskey, and "Insurance companies paid no compensation for single malt, a loss made keener by the property owner's knowledge that the thieves wouldn't even have been able to appreciate what it was they were drinking." And then the footnote: "single malt: an expensive Scotch whiskey." And then I remembered this scene....
